Oyu Tolgoi Project Social, Economic and Environmental Subset

PDF- Upon completion of the Umnugovi aimag Social, Economic and Environmental Baseline Survey in 2008, the Oyu Tolgoi Project wished to undertake a survey on the assessment of its long-term socio-economic impacts associated with the construction, operation and maintenance and closure of the OT mine project.

However, the outputs of the Umnugovi Social, Economic and Environmental Baseline Survey that covered the whole aimag, which is too large for generating sets of data on the OT area and accurate studying all types of impacts of different nature and consequences, which may emerge resulting from OT operations. This served as the base for producing subsidiary baseline report that focuses on the OT project impact areas: specifically the four neighboring soums (Khanbogd, Bayan-Ovoo, Manlai and Tsogttsetsii) as well as the aimag capital, Dalanzadgad. In order to extract all needed baseline information relevant to the baseline survey and identify the soums to be covered by the OT project, some key problems had to be sorted out and common procedures were to be developed.

The OT area baseline survey themes include all spheres of political, community, social, economic and environmental life in the area. In some cases, data of the aimag level are also included for direct comparison to highlight the specifics and other illustrative patterns of individual soums and the OT impact area as a whole.

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Maintainer Jonathan Chambers
Last Updated November 7, 2018, 03:49 (UTC)
Created September 24, 2018, 07:30 (UTC)