Oyu Tolgoi Overview of Legal Framework for EIA

URL: http://portal.sesmim.mn/en/dataset/e6de83de-8e87-4090-a248-961f923c91f0/resource/d848228f-c99f-453b-bd7d-e1a4c38d3ea9/download/oyu-tolgoi-overview-of-legal-framework-for-eia.pdf

This Chapter provides an overview of the national and international policy and legal framework within which the Oyu Tolgoi Project is being developed. The Chapter discusses the overall policy and legal framework in Mongolia together with specific sectoral laws on environment, land use and health & safety. Although this Chapter provides an overview of environmental law, specific legislation regarding Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is described in detail in Chapter A3: Methodology. Similarly, detailed information on applicable environmental and social standards is provided in the respective baseline chapters.This Chapter addresses the following topics:

-The constitution and government of Mongolia;

-An overview of applicable Mongolian legislation covering environmental protection, worker health and safety, labour management, and property rights;

-An overview of applicable environmental health & safety standards;

-An overview of applicable international agreements;

-A summary of the Oyu Tolgoi Investment Agreement; and

-The requirements and guidelines of International Financial Institutions (IFIs) with regard to environmental and social matters.


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Data last updated September 24, 2018
Metadata last updated September 24, 2018
Created September 24, 2018
Format application/pdf
License Creative Commons Attribution
createdover 5 years ago
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last modifiedover 5 years ago
package ide6de83de-8e87-4090-a248-961f923c91f0
revision id781f81c6-4bea-4750-8dd7-ffbf4a8b82ff
size649.3 KiB
url typeupload